Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sunny skies are here again...

It is so beautiful outside today, it's hard to believe there are going to be thunderstorms and torrential rains all day tomorrow. It is 50 and clear and I should want to be outside more than anything. After a winter indoors, fresh air sounds good. Right?

Not completely. I am dreading my 12 miles today. Not only am I a little frightened of the prospect of running further than I ever have, I am T-I-R-E-D. Between the 16 hours of work standing behind a desk in the last 24, sleep deprivation from studying late all week and the other 21 miles I ran so far, I believe I have every right. But I don't want to be exhausted. I want to pretend it's something I can overcome in hopes of finding out I actually am capable. 

So, here I am trying to psych myself out to get on the road. I don't know if it's working yet. The sooner I go, the sooner I can reward myself with a nap. Yess!!

I've been really excited to map my runs lately and I have found a new tool to track my training progress while mapping my courses all on the same site. It's called the daily mile and I 've only been using it for a few days but I like it. It's like the runner's club site I've been looking for since last year. It is a new opportunity to meet like-minded ladies. I knew there had to be an easier way to share a passion with people I know are out there but could never find. This seems like it could be fun.

On with the run!!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you managed the run!
    Daily mile is great. I've only used it for a week or so too but it's awesome!
